Surprising Benefits of Onions

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Surprising Benefits of Onions

Onions are a part of the allium family of vegetables which include garlic, scallions, leeks and chives. Besides adding flavour to dishes, they supply antibacterial and therapeutic properties that cleanse and detox our bodies.

They might cause you to cry, but you'll only laugh within the end of the day. The onion might not be everyone’s favourite vegetable, but it sure is useful. Subsequent time you begin crying while peeling onions, just consider all the good health advantages you're getting. They contain many fiber and antioxidants. They also rich in vitamins B and C and are filled with sulphur, iron, potassium, phosphorous, calcium, and manganese. About 45 calories have been found in every 100 grams of onion.

Eat a raw onion daily if you would like to beat the summer blues. We’ve all heard of this. After all, over the years our elders have ensured onions find an area in the wholesome plate of salad. And let’s not deny the very fact that even the foremost delicious of foods don’t taste all that perfect if they aren’t complemented with sliced onion and green chutney.

The onion often considered a medicinal food as they offer numerous health benefits for the prevention and treatment of disease. While eating raw onions is that the most beneficial, even cooked onions offer superior health benefits in protective compounds, immunity support and overall health. Such wonderful the advantages of onions are. And a few of them are downright surprising.

Different varieties of Onions:

Onion is so widely used that any culinary dish from almost any a part of the world has the vegetable added thereto. Little question there are several sorts of onions – but here, we mention the foremost common ones.

Yellow onions – they have got ivory white flesh that's surrounded by heavy brown skin. They have a robust and sulfur-like aroma.

Sweet onions – they have a lighter, and less-opaque skin that surrounds the vegetable's bigger and slightly fatter body.

White onions – they've got a papery white skin, and that they are the milder and sweeter than their yellow counterparts.

Red onions – they're sweet and mild enough to be eaten raw. The outside skin and the flesh are a deep magenta in Red Onions.

Shallots – they have purple flesh and are smaller and brown-skinned.

Green onions – They haven’t yet formed a bulb as they're the immature onions.

Leeks – they're shaped like overgrown scallions and are usually utilized in sauces and soups.

Let's have a glance on Surprising Benefits of Onions:

Antioxidants Benefits:

Red onions contain a better amount of antioxidants and flavonoids than the yellow or white onion, and they’re an expensive source of quercetin. Quercetin may be a powerful antioxidant with anti-inflammatory properties which will help fight chronic diseases like heart condition and cancer and it's beneficial for eliminating free radicals within the body. It’s going to also prevent the discharge of histamine, making onions a natural antihistamine.

Lowers Cholesterol:

Raw onion also promotes HDL production, which is that, the good cholesterol that’s needed for optimal health, and lower the chance of heart failure and stroke.


Onions act as powerful antioxidants which reduce inflammation and stimulate immune responses in our bodies.


Onion Helps in Improving Heart Health:

Onions are an expensive source of flavonoids and thiosulfinates. What do these do exactly? Well, thiosulfinates are known to stay the consistency of the blood right, very similar to a blood thinner and the flavonoids in onion help in reducing bad cholesterol in your body. Because of this, the chance of heart attack and stroke reduces by many folds.

Help in Cancer Prevention:

Because of rich in antioxidant properties found in red onions compared to yellow and white, red onions provide stronger protection against certain kinds of cancer, like stomach, colorectal, oral, oesophagal, laryngeal, and ovarian cancer. For the foremost benefits, it's recommended that we decay at least 3 onions weekly. The quercetin abundant in red onions is shown to cut back inflammation and is useful for both the prevention and treatment of cancer.

Help Reduce Pain after a Bee Sting:

When you are stung by a bee, it is often a swelling and painful experience. Taking a painkiller and applying ice is often useful. But, here’s a tip you'll not have tried: Apply a freshly cut onion to the affected area to scale back pain.

Helps in Improving Immunity:

Onions are an expensive source of both vitamin C and phytochemicals which helps to strengthen our immune systems. Vitamin C is an important vitamin that our bodies got to make collagen. Collagen may be a sort of protein that plays a task in wound healing and immunity support.

Lowers Blood Pressure:

The sulfur found in onions acts as a natural blood thinner and it prevents blood platelets from clotting, which can help to lower vital sign and therefore the risk of heart attack or stroke. The powerful antioxidant Quercetin found in onions can also help to scale back the chance of attack and stroke by preventing plaque buildup in our arteries.

Onions Can Offer You Good Vision:

Conjunctivitis during this point of the year is extremely common. The selenium in onion helps within the production of vitamin E, which successively keeps this painful eye problem cornered. Some natural eye drops also contain extracts of onion juice in it.

It Can Offer You Glowing and Ageless Skin:

Onions are full of vitamin A, C, and K–and you would like all of them for flawless skin. These vitamins not just assist you to get obviate pigmentation but protect you from harmful UV rays also.

It Can Bestow You with Healthy Hair:

Although there's not much scientific evidence to prove this, many Ayurvedic hair products use onion juice for hair growth. Also, thanks to its antibacterial properties, onion helps keep dandruff and lice far away from your scalp.